AutoCAD 2016 is locked and loaded - coming soon to a reseller near you! Here is an early look at some of the key features in the next (Awesome) release of AutoCAD!
Updated (and far better) Revision Clouds
Gone are the wonky (yes wonky) Revision Clouds of the past. Have you ever tried editing one of them? Now it's easier than ever to create rectangular, polygonal, freehand or object revision clouds. The grips make more sense and are based on the shape of the revcloud. Those grips make it just that much easier to make changes to your revision clouds after the fact.
There's even a cool Modify option that lets you draw another revision cloud and erase selected portions of existing ones!
Dimensioning Enhancements
Ahhhhh - how I've longed for a better way to get those pesky dimensions in a drawing. Imagine a new DIM command that actually knows what you're hovering over - and recognizes the various dimensioning possibilities based on where your cursor is! That's right - a psychic dimensioning tool.
How I'll miss the tedium that comes with dimensioning!
Added bonus - now you can assign a default layer for dimensions! Woo hoo!
Text Improvements
One of the top AUGI Wishlist items was the ability to easily put a frame around text...Wish granted!
You'll find a new Text Frame option in Properties. Did you like the Match text option that was added to the MTEXT dialog in AutoCAD 2015? Well now it is "Sticky"! (another wish granted).
That's a taste for today's posting...look for more tasty AutoCAD 2016 info soon!