Registration for Autodesk University 2012 opened on Tuesday and we already have over 2000 registrations! Unbelievable! So are you signed up yet? And if not...well stop reading this blog and get right on it!
Or maybe you need some help convincing your manager to send you - check out my Convince your Manager Toolkit for some helpful hints on exactly that! Here you'll find Talking Points to help you find reasons to attend AU that might resonate with your manager. The Letter to Manager document provides a sample letter you can modify to explain to your manager why he or she should send you to AU (because he really should!).
You will want to include the AU Benefits Worksheet to list specific benefits your company and you will gain from attending AU. And, finally, download and fill out the AU Expenses Worksheet to help you estimate your costs for attending AU. Most of the food, drinks etc. is included in AU so that should help with that budget!
This year we've removed the room price from the overall AU registration so here you'll find opportunity to buddy up with someone to save money if needed.
And if that doesn't work - I recommend a bake sale or car wash! Or perhaps a "Will Work for AU" sign?
I really hope to see you there! (and I mean REALLY!)