It seems like last summer I was complaining that we didn't really get much of a summer - and now that it's winter I'm wondering where all the storms are (but not complaining!). Our weather here in Northern California seems to be completely confused.
Last week Cadalyst released another of my video tips on how to print out your layer list (something that is not inherently obvious in AutoCAD). Watch this video to see how you can export your layer list to Excel from within the Layer Properties Manager or to Word from the command line interface of the Layer command
Essentially - you simply highlight the layers you wish to export from the Layer Properties Manager, and then Ctrl+C to copy them to the clipboard (no Copy option in the right click menu). Then paste your layers into an empty Excel file. Voila!
A reader, Dan Murphy, also sent me an email reminding me about an AutoLISP routine that is also quite useful for printing layers (Thank you Dan!). LAYERHTM.LSP can be found at DOTSOFT. It's free of charge (unless you choose to make a small donation). There are two LISP routines posted - one for AutoCAD 2007 onward, and one for those on releases before that. You can find quite a few free AutoCAD tools on DotSoft - be sure to check them out!