I know that I have been neglecting my blog when my good friend dave espinosa-aguilar (probably the best Autodesk University speaker ever) sends me an email about my "blog abstinence". So I am alive and well - just a badly behaved busy blogger (just try to say that 3 times fast!)
I am currently in Amsterdam after a series of AutoCAD presentations with the wonderful local distributors Prodesk and Pollux . I even visited an Apple store in Rotterdam for an AutoCAD for Mac presentation. A great big thank you to Gwendolyne, Dick and Desmond for putting together so many great seminars (along with HP who sponsored many of the events). A busy, busy schedule has not helped in the blog dept...not to mention an unfortunate car accident last Friday in Des Haag (which is a not-so-good story that turned out to have a pretty good ending under the circumstances - thankfully!) which basically wiped me out for the weekend. So now everyone is caught up and hopefully you will forgive me for another bout of blog neglect! (I am hanging my head in shame)
And...speaking of lower case dave e-a, I remember him sharing tips on Fields in AutoCAD at Autodesk University, in one of his fabulous classes and a few weeks ago I released a Cadalyst video tip on Fields.
You may have to bypass another video tip on Bubbles in AutoCAD to get to it (or you can check that one out as ell!).
Fields in AutoCAD
Fields in AutoCAD are so powerful and yet easy to add into your drawings. The biggest obstacle to using Fields (imho) is those pesky intimidating characters. I promise - they are so much easier than they look - and can ultimately save you quite a bit of drawing time. Think of Fields as intelligent text that can access various bits of data in your drawing (or other drawings). Fields update automatically (hence saving you time).and always ensure that your text is up-to-date and accurate. Fields might be used to fill in Title block info, or to extract data from AutoCAD objects (such as the area of a polyline).
If you want more detailed info on Fields - you might want to check out the online Autodesk University classes (which are free of charge).
As for me - I am off to Sweden tomorrow for some more seminars...hopefully I will find more time there to blog and hopefully redeem myself!
And more importantly...to get back in good graces with dave...