Ahhhhh - can't we all just get along? So many offices work with multiple CAD packages and any steps we can take in helping our users work seemlessly with other CAD packages is a good thing (imho). I have been delighted as I've seen steps being made inside of AutoCAD to work with Microstation drawings as I have run into many users who need to work in both CAD programs (whether they like it or not).
My latest Cadalyst video explores the process of exporting AutoCAD drawings to DGN. Be sure to have a look if you have ever found yourself in the multi-CAD situation!
One of the important things to do if you find yourself going back and forth between DGN and DWG is to save a mapping file to make things so much easier. Here you can map layers to levels, linetypes, colors, etc. You can map for exporting or for importing. These mapping files can easily be done in the DGNMAPPING command in AutoCAD.
The two buttons in the upper right hand corner of the dialog allows you to import level properties from DGN files as well as layer properties from AutoCAD drawings. Once you do the work of the original mapping you can use them over and over again (it would be pretty terrible to have to remap each time!)
A popular local coffee company, Thanksgiving Coffee in Fort Bragg, was burned down by arsons. Rather than gloat over the misfortune of the competition, another local coffee company, Taylor Maid Farms, offered up their roasters to help them out until they got back on their feet. I absolutely love this story - and I wish all business would act accordingly - making it a better CAD life for all!