I had one remaining Twitter Shirt which I sent to the person who told me I'd passed the 1000 followers mark on Twitter - John Evans (thanks for pointing that out John!). Below is the final pic to complete my Twitter Tshirt collection (I'm afraid they are all gone now - even I don't have one!)
Cadalyst posted another of my Tips and Tricks Tuesdayvideos today. This tip is going to help you deal with those boundaries that AutoCAD won't let you hatch because there is a gap somewhere. You end up zooming all over trying to find that pesky gap - sometimes to no avail. No worries - AutoCAD does have a remedy - you just have to know where to find it!
You'll find a little arrow in the lower right corner of the Hatch dialog box that sends you over to many top secret Hatch options! You're going to notice a fabulous option called Gap Tolerance that is going to make your life 100% better!
Now more than likely there is a small hole in your hatch boundary. You just need to set the Gap Tolerance value to a size larger than that hole and you'll find that AutoCAD will just pretend that pesky little gap doesn't exist - Voila! All the stress just disappears (wouldn't it be nice if it was just that easy?)
Be sure to watch the video as it takes you through all of the steps...