I've enjoyed my stay in the Netherlands so far as my first event was the Cadac MasterClass. It was a great event and my good friend Robert Green even flew in to present. This was one of the rare times I could actually sit and listen to Robert present - and I really enjoyed it! Robert Green is in charge of the CAD Management Power Track at Autodesk Universityand a fellow Cadalyst writer.
A great big thank you to Armand Pinkaarts (second from the right) and the Cadac team for their fantastic hospitality and I look forward to joining them again at some point in the future.
Next I will be ramping up for our "See the Difference" Tour focused on AutoCAD 2010. Be sure to join me and Shaan Hurley for our whirlwind tour through the US and Canada!
I will be Tweeting along the way if you care to follow me!