Soooo many of you have sent me emails asking about my step-son's wedding (go figure!) that I thought I'd post a link to a short video (less than 5 minutes long) for those of you with spare time on your hands. Or for those of you who have plenty to do but don't want to do it - feel free to use this as an excuse! Or if you just want to feel sentimental. You can see me crying behind the bride and groom at about 3:11 - I think I cried every time I saw the lovely bride! Click HERE to watch a wedding video of two people you don't even know! :-)
It's getting close to Autodesk University Registration time! Are you getting ready? Have you already perused the class list so you know which ones you want to sign up for? Click here to peruse a draft of the class list (which is about 99% accurate).
Register Early!
Early registration for Autodesk University starts on August 12, General registration starts a week later on August 19. Who gets to register early? Subscription members and AUGI members. Who else gets to register early? AU Online members! Since it's free to become an AU Online member - why not sign up and get that head start on registration! More information on all of this is available at AU Online.
Nearly all of the hands-on labs fill up within that first week of registration - so make sure you are one of the lucky ones to register early!
What's new for AU?
There are a couple of big changes this year with Autodesk University. First off - we've moved to a different venue - Mandalay Bay. This is a beautiful hotel and I look forward to a change in scenery! I'm not going to miss the escalator congestion in the Venetian - that's for sure! Every year I am surprised that someone hasn't been hurt on those escalators. (too many people, too few escalators)
If it's warm enough to hit the pool scene - Mandalay Bay has the best pools ever! They have a sand beach, tidal wave pool, lazy river for leisurely floating - you name it! (personally, the wave pool is my favorite).
And you'll want to check out the Shark Reef Aquarium...I haven't visited this yet but it looks VERY cool!
Secondly - we've removed the last half day of classes. Now that may sound like a great big negative to you - but realistically speaking - that last day is usually so poorly attended. Speakers beg me not to schedule them on the last day because so few people show up for class. If you live on the East Coast you have to leave early on Friday (hence missing classes) or catch a red-eye that night. And the check-out is such a nightmare! Everyone needing to check out early in the morning before classes begin - all at the same time - then storing their luggage - Ugh! I get a headache just thinking about it. I can't tell you how many bags I've stored in my own room to help people out. All of this nightmare...gone!
That also means that the last part of AU is going to be the AU Party! What a great way to end the conference (if you ask me).
So we're going to give the 3 day conference a good old college try and see what the attendees think. If we get too many unhappy users - then we can always switch it back the next year. The same number of hotel days are covered in the conference pass - we just think this will help you leave on a much happier note (and we like our attendees happy!).
There are some other changes in store for you at AU2009 - but you'll just have to wait to see for yourself! The most important thing to do right now is...
Get ready to register! Let the count down begin!