I was recently interviewed by Novedge - and enjoyed seeing the interview go live today. Be sure to check it out!. I enjoyed answering the questions and tried to keep the answers short and sweet (so as not to bore everyone). Do you think it's a bad sign that this was posted on the dreaded Tax day?
Ugh I just dread taxes every year. It seems that no matter how much I take out of my paycheck - it just isn't enough - any of you out there feel the same way? Each year I get to write out that very painful check...ouch!
To help cheer you up - be sure to check out my latest Cadalyst video Tip from Tuesday. This tip will really help you out if you want to quickly add one or more dimensions to a drawing but don't want to try and figure out the dimensions style, overrides etc. Give this video tip a try!
I think my allergies were really kicking up when I recorded this video - so please forgive my sniffles!