I've enjoyed many presentations this past ten days for Avatech, The Middle Tennessee Autodesk User Group as well as the ADDA convention but I won't lie - I'm happy to finally be heading home! My AutoCAD 2010 presentations are getting better (still need some fine-tuning) and of course the audience members continue to ask challenging questions that I need to be prepared to answer. Keep up the good work all ye users! That's how I learn too!
I want to make sure I am still spreading the word about the new AutoCAD Exchange. They have some great (free) AU Classes for the viewing posted up on the AutoCAD Exchange each week. Check out my 90 AutoCAD Tips in 90 Minutes class! (and it is free, free, free). You can also watch this class at the Autodesk University website (but you'll need to be on subscription). Check it out!
Changing directions - I also want to offer up a tribute to a very talented young man who recently passed away, Mark Roach. He used to be a member of the Autodesk QA team for the wonderful Express Tools and has recently taught our Express Tools class at Autodesk University (to great accolades). He worked for Ideate, Inc. (with whom I will be working all of next week) as one of their top trainers and support providers. Mark was a brilliant member of the Autodesk community and I was looking forward to seeing him next week at one of my Ideate presentations. Below is a picture of Mark and myself at Autodesk University last year.
Our thoughts go out to Mark's friends and family. I, for one, will miss his smiling face and enthusiastic attitude. He always taught me a thing or two when I presented - in his unassuming way. I won't lie - this has really taken my breath away today.
We will miss you Mark.