Ok...so I'm trying to figure out all this fascination with Twitter. Joseph Wurcher (of AU Online BLAUG fame) turned me on to this low stress means of letting the world know where you are and what you are doing. I did add my Twitter info on my blog (left panel) for those of you who want to do a little virtual stalking - and you can certainly feel free to follow me around from day to day. Does that mean I need to start leading a more exciting life? Ahhh...the pressure!
If you were following me on Twitter you'd know that I spent most of my day working on a video tour of AU Online. I can't believe everyone isn't up there using AU Online...here you will find over 1000 video screencasts posted from Autodesk University 2006, 2007 and 2008. You can also download the handouts from the classes and podcasts of the classes (listen to them on the way to work!).
What's the catch? There is no catch! Anyone can log onto AU Online and watch the classes. All you have to do is register (and that takes less than 30 seconds). The more info you share with AU Online, the more personalized your experience will be but that is entirely up to you.
If you are an Autodesk Subscription member, or if you attended Autodesk University you can view the screencasts from 2008. If not, you can still download the podcast and handouts - and you can also view all the classes from AU 2006 and 2007 (remember...it is free!). All the content will be available to everyone in December.
There are classes on everything up there. You can ask for all the classes on Revit Families, or Inventor Assemblies. You can filter on Tips and Tricks classes or search by product. I have watched many classes myself and I can't believe how educating they are! (did I mention they are free?).
In these tough economic times we need to keep ourselves educated and valuable...this is one means of doing exactly that...and everyone can afford it! For those of you who are out of work (and I know there are many of you out there) this is the time to hone your skills - take the time to learn all the intricacies of your Autodesk product while you have a little more free time. Increase your skills, increase your chances to get a job.
Okay...I'll get off of my AUOL soap box.
Amendment to my Tuesday Hip Tip on Copying Layers:
Rodger Warren (from Melbourne, Australia) reminded me of other things that land in your drawing when you follow my tip from Tuesday on "Copying layers from one drawing to another." You'll also end up importing the dimension styles and text styles from the inserted drawing...which I should have mentioned (thank you Rodger!). I think this is quicker than using Design Center!