So now my thoughts have moved on to the Super Bowl! I am sure many of you will be going to Super Bowl parties or will be watching it from the serenity of your own home. True...the Colts did not make it to the Super Bowl this year...but I must confess to also being a big Kurt Warner fan and nothing would make me happier then to see him with another Super Bowl ring (especially since he is getting older and has been relegated to second string way too many times!). I do have a Kurt Warner football jersey from the five minutes he started for New York (before Eli took over the reins) thanks to a wonderful Autodesk reseller who knew I was a big Kurt Warner fan from his Rams days.
On the other side of the fence - my husband is from Pittsburgh and is, of course, a big Steelers fan (I believe that is a prerequisite to living there). And if you know a Steelers fan - you know that they are SERIOUS fans! Needless to say, the Super Bowl will be an exciting event in our household! Last year the AUGI Board was at our house for the Super just won't be the same without them (and I could probably have convinced them to root for my team...)
On to the real reason you are joining me on my blog...a tasty AutoCAD morsel!
An AutoCAD Hip Tip on Optimizing your File Dialog:
Whenever you execute a command that requires you to open a file, you run into the File dialog as seen below:
Now I'm not sure if you can tell...but I have customized the left column with directories I use all the time. AutoCAD typically displays the "My documents" folder in that column, a big Favorites star but in general the folders displayed are pretty useless. Lets face it - if you are saving everything to My documents then we really need to talk! You no doubt have a variety of folders you save your files into, and some of them probably have a fairly complex directory structure. It's also possible that you are searching for files on a why not make it super simple to go straight to those directories!
Once you have navigated to the folder where you have your saved can easily place that folder in the far left column for easy access. Simply right click over the left column and you will get a shortcut menu as seen below:
Select "Add Current Folder" and Voila! You will now have super speedy access to your folder the next time you go into any command requesting a file. If you want to add multiple directories you can also select "Add..." and navigate to other folders to add. can simply do a good old drag and drop! Simply drag the folder from the white viewing area in the middle of the dialog to the column of folders - it's just that easy!
You really should be personalizing AutoCAD as much as possible to ensure you maximum productivity and this is a good step in the right direction!
(Go Cardinals!)