One of the great things about working for Autodesk is that every four years we are granted a 6 week sabbatical! Well the time has come (once again) for me to enjoy mine! Hoorah! The goal here is to take a great big breath, relax, regroup and re-energize oneself. For me - it's my chance to catch up on all of those things that get thrown by the wayside when you travel too much (you don't EVEN want to look in my closet!).
Technically my sabbatical started a week ago - but the family made a mad dash for a vacation and I wasn't able to blog before I left (you know how crazy things get when you are trying to get an entire family together for a vacation!). so that means I am down to 5 weeks left...
I'll check in from time to time on sabbatical (I'm sure you will be thrilled to hear how that closet is going!).
And...incidently...Autodesk University officially opened its doors to registration and we are already 1000 attendees ahead of last year at the same time...Oh my goodness!!! You'd better hurry and sign up before all the good classes are gone!
Here is an AutoCAD Hip Tip for you...even though I am on vacation (who loves you Baby?)
An AutoCAD Hip Tip on Selecting Overlapping Objects: When selecting objects for editing, we sometimes run across objects on top of other objects. It isn't always easy selecting the correct object in such cases, and I in the past I would recommend using the Control Key to toggle through all the possibilties. As you held down the Control key and picked on the screen, AutoCAD would toggle through all of the possible objects that fell under the pick box, highlighting them one at a time. When the proper object was highlighted you were ready to continue with the command. (Let me just say that this is SOOOO much easier to show than to try to write about). This was one of the tips I was going to show in my "75 Tips in 75 Minutes" class for the last AUGI CAD Camp. Much to my surprise I found out that the Control Key no longer allows you to do this nifty practice. Instead - it has been replaced with a combination of Shift and the Spacebar (what a wacky combo!). So now we have to be a little more coordinated under such circumstances but rest assured - it still works! Want to test it out? Draw a line on top of another line. Enter the Erase command and place the cursor over both objects while holding down the Shift+Spacebar (or Control if you are in an earlier release). Pick on the screen and you will see that AutoCAD will toggle through both the objects... So there is a summer time Hip Tip!