The Autodesk Experience Tour is about to begin and tomorrow I'm flying off to Miami for round one! If you haven't already signed up for one of the stops be sure to do so! There is sure to be plenty of information on all the new 2009 Autodesk products...and no doubt a good time will be had by all!
And I promised Joseph Wurcher I'd mention that this is the final week to submit your papers to speak at this year's Autodesk University. For more information on this you can visit the official AU Blog (BLAUG). If you have a fabulous idea for a class and think you'd be a great presenter - then here is your big chance to shine!
AutoCAD LT 2009 brings FIELDS to its users!
I'm not sure how many of you AutoCAD users have delved into the incredibly powerful world of FIELDS but I am happy to announce that AutoCAD LT 2009 is now extending this great feature to its users as well! Fields are really so much more powerful than attributes and they are smart enough to extend over multiple drawings (as opposed to just one). I like to think of it as "change it once, change it everywhere".
The world of FIELDS is a huge subject indeed but here is a very high level view of them as highlighted in my AutoCAD LT Tips and Tricks booklet (not published yet).
One of the most powerful objects in AutoCAD, Fields are equivalent to “smart text” that updates automatically. Use field data for such things as dates, sheet numbers, titles, etc.
Select fields from a list of predefined fields. These fields can be inserted into text objects, attributes or table cells.
There are three methods for inserting a Field:
1. Select the Insert Field… option in the shortcut menu when prompted for text in MTEXT, DTEXT, ATTDEF, and BATTMAN. Some of these commands also have an “insert field” button.
2. Press Control+F
3. Execute the Field command (this will place the field as MTEXT).
Whichever route you take, simply select the field you wish to add. The FIELDDISPLAY system variable toggles the display of a gray background for field text (intended for the easy recognition of Field text)
Tip: Fields allow you to display object properties such as the area of a hatch, the length of a polyline or the diameter of a circle.
Editing Fields
Easily edit your fields by double-clicking.
Updating Fields:
By default, field values automatically update when you open, save, plot, eTransmit or regenerate a drawing. You can suppress this automatic evaluation by setting the FIELDEVAL system variable. You can also use the UPDATEFIELD command to manually update.
I'm off to convince my dog to get out of my suitcase again! She definitely knows how to make me feel guilty... :-(