COFES (Congress of the Future of Engineering Software) is off and running here in Scottsdale, Arizona and we are on our second day of presentations. The networking has been wonderful (along with the weather!) and I've already gleamed a few great morsels of information from the various discussions.
I want to mention the official announcement of the new AUGI Portugal Country Chapter. AUGIpt is up and running and I am SO excited for them. Congratulations on all of your hard work!
I'm blogging between sessions so I'll just jump right to the point with some more AutoCAD 2009 LT Features.
AutoCAD LT 2009 brings new Colors to everyone!
AutoCAD LT 2009 has expanded the color possibilities from the usual 256 colors to include True Color and Color Books. Now you can select a specific color from a variety of Pantone and RAL color books making it easy to match up with real world colors of actual materials. There are two new tabs in the Select Color dialog box. The True Color tab allows you to select the Hue, Saturation and Luminence (HSL) or Red, Green and Blue (RGB) levels. The Color Books tab displays a variety of Pantone and RAL color books. You can even add additional color books in the Options dialog box (Files tab).
All those color possibilities will definitely make it easier for your clients to visualize your design intent!
OK...back to the conference! Have a fantastic weekend everyone...