It's been an extra long week for me because I came down with a nasty cold (compliments of my husband I believe)...but somehow through the cold medicine and the sniffling I managed to finish writing my next AutoCAD Tips and Tricks booklet (hoorah!)...I can't share with you any of the extra cool stuff yet but suffice it to say there are some very "hot" new features coming your way soon...
Wednesday I boarded a red-eye flight to Puerto Rico (certainly didn't help my cold situation) and yesterday we had a fabulous event here in beautiful San Juan. The turn-out was amazing - in fact a little bit too good. Unfortunately we had to turn about 100 people away because the room was only able to hold about 400 people. I am SOOOOO sorry to those of you who went to all of the trouble to come down to the event and then were turned away...definitely not cool. Everyone here was shocked at the overwhelming response but we promise to come back again soon (and get a bigger room!).
An AutoCAD Hip Tip for Automatic Viewport Switching
The brilliant (and oh so humble) Paul Kellett suggested a twist on changing the F1 key. I typically show people how to change it to an Escape key (since that is the key you were probably trying to hit anyway). If you want to know how to do that you can check out my videos on or you can check out my previous post on changing the F1 key. Paul reprogrammed the F1 key for his team to switch between Viewports. Let me explain:
Sometimes you have a viewport within a do you get to it? With a Control+R. Control+R cycles you through from viewport to viewport until you get to the one that you want! He assigned the same functionality to F1 so all his users have to do is hit the F1 key to cycle through their viewports...Brilliant! Let's face it - it's not always easy to remember all those pesky control key combinations - but it is easy to remember to hit F1!
Thanks again Paul for another fab suggestion!
I'll leave you with a picture of the San Juan crowd:
This was during the Autodesk T-shirt throwing. :-) I must admit this was one of my all time favorite audiences! They were so enthusiastic and was a real pleasure for me.
And here is a picture of me with Astrid Baez...she worked very hard to pull this event together!