Alright...I know there has been silence on the blog - and I'm not sure if I'm going to blame the silence on the sad demise of the Colts last weekend against the Patriots (oh the pain of it all!) or all the pre-Autodesk University activities that went on this week. Thank you to all of you who offered up your condolences after the Colts loss (it's appreciated) and since I'm spending some of the next week with Matt Murphy (from Boston) I'm sure he will do all he can do rub it in! He will be unmerciful - first the World Series and now this!
This week we had an AU broadcast to the Speakers as well as a very large one (nearly 900 people) for all AU Attendees which was focused on "Getting the Most out of AU 2007". There are so many exciting things going on with Autodesk University that I didn't want anyone to miss a beat! If you missed it and want to hear the recording it should be posted sometime next week on the AU website. Joseph Wurcher's AU BLAUG will also have information on how to find the recorded webcast (if you have a hard time finding it).
I'm off tomorrow to Birmingham, in the UK (not Alabama) for the 1st AUGI Design Academy. How exciting! I think I'm doing about 6 presentations in all (busy, busy, busy). It's a very long flight but that will give me some time to put the finishing touches on my presentations!
Since I still have to pack (note to self - bring an umbrella) I am going to give you a quicky Hip Tip today...
An AutoCAD Hip Tip on Creating Speedy Copies of Layout Tabs:
No more need to use the right click menus to move or copy your layout tabs! With AutoCAD 2008 you can simply select all the layouts you want to copy (use the shift and control keys to select) and then hold down the control key to make a copy of those layouts! If you need to change the order of your layout tabs simply select a layout tab and drag it to the new position.
And if you are a Sheet Set Manager fan - you can also drag and drop your layout tabs right onto the Sheet Set Manager - that will definitely save you some tedious steps. Note: You'll have to save your drawing first!
Alright - I'm off to finish packing!