I've received all kinds of emails asking me about other startup switches...so I thought I'd cover a few more today (and a few more the next time).
AutoCAD Hip Tip for Adding More Startup Switches:
As mentioned in my last blog - these switches are added into the shortcut you use to launch AutoCAD. Simply right-click on the your AutoCAD shortcut and select Properties from the startup menu. The switch (or switches) you use are always added to the end of the information in the Target box as seen below:
Here are a couple of great switches you can use:
/nologo If you are a speed demon and have no patience upon startup to wait for the AutoCAD splash screen to appear then this switch is for you. This switch tells AutoCAD to fore-go the splash screen and lets you get on with your AutoCAD life.
/b Would you like a script file to run after launching AutoCAD? Follow this startup switch with a space and the name of the script file.
/t After launching AutoCAD, a new drawing will be started with the template file indicated. If you have a couple of projects going on each using a different template file you could make an AutoCAD shortcut for each project for maximum efficiency. AutoCAD assumes a template file with an extension of .DWT (so you don't need to include that info) Put a space after the startup switch and the name of the template file.
That's good for today...now back to work for me!
For those of you who bought my latest book - more of this information is on page 13 in the Tweaking Windows chapter. And, incidentally, today someone told me it's available at Walmart too - how cool is that??? My mom will be so proud...