Happy New Year (again...for those who are just joining me). Isn't it hard to get up and running after the holiday season? It's a little like everyone is in super slow mode...ramping up ever so slowly. Later this month the dedicated and awesome AUGI Board will be coming to Autodesk Headquarters for their first meeting of the new year and I am SO looking forward to that. If you haven't visited the AUGI site lately be sure to do so as there are always great things going on up there. And if you aren't an AUGI member yet - run, don't walk to the site and sign up today! (it's free...we can all afford free!).
Inventor Hip Tip on Turning Back the Hands of Time:
Well the tip certainly sounds intriguing - doesn't it? No, you won't be able to reverse time to undo any comment that accidentally slipped out of your mouth but you will be able to go back in time to add in a feature that you forgot along the way. For example, let's say you are creating this great shelled part and you accidentally shelled the part before you added your fillets. Now you realize that your shell should include those fillets but it is too late! No fear, because Autodesk Inventor lets you turn back the hands of time and add in that fillet before the shell. Here's how:
Below you can see the browser view of a part. I want to insert a couple of Fillets after the Chamfer and before the Shell.
Simply drag that End of Part marker up before the Shell as seen below!
Now add your fillets and then drag your End of Part marker back to the end of the list - it's that simple!
Voila! You have now officially turned back the hands of time...(in Inventor years)