Last night, as mentioned yesterday, I was fortunate to have the wonderful Heidi Hewett and Matt Murphy over for a nice dinner. I believe a good time was had by all (Matt did have a serving of Tiramisu AND 4 scoops of ice-cream!). We finished off the evening by enjoying some of the "Stickies" that Bill left behind from Down Under. We're even drinking them out of our Australian "Port Sippers"...funky port glasses with built in straws for sipping.
(ok - I admit it kind of looks like we are smoking something.- but we aren't!) Heidi was such a sport coming over for dinner right before a big day of training (and she did a fabulous job teaching all of us derelicts today).
Today was the day that the Patriot loving Matt Murphy had to live up to his end of a bet and wear a Colts hat all day...let me say that it wasn't pretty! I, of course, thoroughly enjoyed it! Notice that Matt still had his Patriots hat in front of his monitor...poor Matt!
So sorry Matt...(not really...)
I'm off on vacation until Tuesday and have promised the hubby I'll leave my laptop behind so no blogging until I sorry! I'll try to come up with some great AutoCAD tips for you then though...ok?
Have a fabulous weekend! I'm off to finish packing...