Happy Halloween everyone! Although I'm a big fan of the holiday it also adds another year to my age (which I definitely don't appreciate). A great big thank you to everyone who sent me ecards and emails - how do you all remember my birthday when I can barely remember it myself? I think it's about time to start counting backwards...
Since it was Halloween AND my birthday I felt justified in bringing Tiffany to work to show off her Snow White costume. So for your viewing pleasure - The Tiff as Snow White (are you scared?).
It's a little tricky seeing her on the white rug...
Now on to a Halloween Hip tip on bringing DWF Files into your AutoCAD Drawings:
For years we preached about DWF files, always emphasizing the many advantages of using them over PDF files - you heard "DWF this" and "DWF that" from Autodesk - but there was no way to bring DWF files into AutoCAD! What's up with that? Finally AutoCAD 2007 brings this ability to the table (about time - huh?).
Bringing a DWF file into AutoCAD is much like bringing in an XREF. Use the DWFATTACH command (Insert menu) and select the DWF file you want to bring in. The below figure demonstrates bringing in a DWF file called "Models" that has two different sheets to choose from.
You might opt to change the Path type from the default of Full path if you plan on sending this drawing to anyone else. Full path would mean they would need to have the exact same directory structure on their hard drive to find the DWF file (and let's see - what are the odds of that?). I suggest Relative path if it's just going inner-office or even safer would be No path (the DWF would just need to be in the same directory as the drawing file or on the search path). Then it's simply a matter of inserting the DWF much like you would a block.
So there you have it on bringing in those DWF files! For more info on all things DWF be sure to visit Scott Sheppard's blog Beyond the Paper.
Enjoy the rest of Halloween night - BOO!!!