Well I've certainly seen my share of airplanes lately...one nice thing about flying in Europe is that they almost always feed you a meal...including wine or beer if you'd like. It's not like the US where the airlines now charge for food (and of course drinks). And although the meals are not exactly gourmet - they aren't half bad (I certainly eat them). And all the airports have the free luggage carts - with wheels that work - so very nice...but enough about airports...
So I received a few emails from you out there fussing at me for suggesting the use of BURST to explode the block and maintain the attribute text when REFEDIT is a much better route to take (and you don't have to explode the block to make the changes)... Well RIGHT you are all - I failed to mention that the user who emailed me had a very old version of AutoCAD - back before the awesome REFEDIT command existed.
So here's my HIP Tip of the day!
If you need to make some changes to a block - don't explode it!!! (or else suffer the wrath of those who sent me the mean emails). Use REFEDIT and everyone will live happily ever after.
Thanks for keeping me in line everyone (somebody has to).
Tomorrow is yet another looooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnng flight! I hope the movies are good...