What a great conference in Antwerp, Belgium! Rumor has it Antwerp made the news while I was there with a 20 million dollar diamond that was to be cut (603 Karats)...I just didn't have enough money in my bank account to cover it! (can you imagine?)...I think you'd really have to work out to sport a diamond that big...
While at the conference I ran into two Inventor Gurus (who I had met at the conference the year before)...they were kind enough to bring me some Belgium chocolate! Imagine that!!! Needless to say I was delighted (so very, very, thoughtful of them). Below is a picture of Jürgen Galba on the left and Stefaan Boel on the right. They brought me three (count them - three!) different chocolate bars because they weren't sure which kind I would like (all of them maybe?). I am a very lucky girl indeed.
And a special thanks to Bart for taking the picture...they all created a cool website for Inventor Wizards filled with great Tips and Tricks and other great info. Of course it helps if you speak Dutch (which sadly I don't).
On to a Hip Tip on Workspaces:
A couple of weeks ago I talked about Workspaces. AutoCAD also has a nice customization tool created explicitly for Workspaces. Simply pick the Workspace Settings tool (located right next to the drop down list) on the Workspaces toolbar. (how many times can I say "Workspace" in one paragraph?)
This will bring up the following dialog box.
Here you can control the order your saved Workspaces appear in the drop down list (put the most frequently used ones at the top). You can easily insert separator lines to space out the workspaces (in case you are a bad shot!) and you can tell AutoCAD whether or not you want to automatically save any changes you make to the UI to the current workspace (not my personal preference as you can see above).
So take a few minutes (because that is all it will take) to organize your Workspaces for maximum productivity!
And for you American Football fans...there are only two teams left who are 5-0...the Colts (my team) and Chicago...tonight we'll see if Chicago can maintain their record!