I had a great time at the ASAUG User Group meeting last night and the AutoCAD 2007 launch. The crowd enjoyed a day of Autodesk solutions for the building industry including Autodesk Revit. And then it was a crazy mad dash to the airport to catch the red-eye!
Do you live in New York City or Philly?
I'll be doing a presentation at the end of the month in NYC and Philadelphia - Click here if you'd like to join me! By then I should have my new AutoCAD Tips and Tricks booklet finished and ready to hand out.
AutoCAD Tip for viewing and plotting drawing files even though you don't have AutoCAD!
Do you have that one guy in the office who uses AutoCAD LT just to open, zoom around and print drawing files? Save yourself some dinero and download the new (and incredibly free) AutoCAD DWG TrueView. TrueView lets you view and print DWF and DWG files.
And if you've already downloaded the free viewer I have a little tip for you. On occasion if you've zoomed in real close you might get the message "Already zoomed in as far as possible". No worries, simply switch between the model and layout tabs once to force a regeneration and you'll be good to go!
to close...I have a nice picture of a Hawaiian sunset I took from my hotel room window...so very lovely...Aloha!