Well it's not often that I I A) Go to a restaurant (SAAGA) from the Lapland, or B) have Reindeer served so many different ways (including reindeer tongue)...who knew there were so many courses that could include reindeer? I had to draw the line at the Reindeer sorbet...
And here I am with the greeter who is dressed in the traditional Lapland garb...I don't know his name so we'll just refer to him as Sven...doesn't Sven look nice (and thrilled to be in the picture?)
And last but not least - the fabulous flaming dessert...you won't actually get to see the yummy brandy soaked barley pancakes - just the flames...(and let's face it - I only ordered it for the fanfare).
I was actually given a chance to visit Lapland today but I have too many projects on my plate right now to take a day off...such a shame...(could have seen some live reindeer roaming through the snow)...and the Ice Hotel that melts every summer...etc..
On to an AutoCAD 2007 Tip (especially helpful for Inventor Users):
If you truly intend to take this 3D stuff seriously, I STRONGLY recommend assigning 3D Orbit to the F4 key (same as Inventor). You're going to be using the command constantly - so let's make sure it is readily available. If you are in the position where you are bouncing between AutoCAD and Inventor then positively, absolutely you MUST make this change or you will go crazy trying to keep the two straight...
Sure you can hold the Shift key and the mouse wheel down simultaneously and orbit around your 3D object as I mentioned in my blog on Monday - but that requires some serious coordination depending on your task at hand (and I am not known for my coordination skills). F4 isn't used for anything valuable anymore anyway (Tablet calibration) so why not sacrifice it to the 3DOrbit gods? - a much better choice indeed! This can easily be done in the CUI command - select Kayboard Shortcuts >Shortcut Keys, drag the 3DORBIT command up from the command list and then assign the F4 key as seen in the dialog below.
If you're having troubles with this send me an email and I'll document it step by step...(but it's pretty easy)...
I'm off to Lithuania tonight! Who knows what lurks ahead for me there!