It's mighty chilly here in Las Vegas! It's Autodesk's annual conference this week and employees and partners from all over the world are gathering here at the MGM hotel. I hope they brought a sweater because it's in the 40' cold for Las Vegas this time of week I'll be in Finland...double brrr...
More AutoCAD 2007 "stuff":
Finally a HELIX command!
If I had a dime for everyone who's asked me how to draw a Helix in AutoCAD I'd be rich! (well at least I'd have a lot of dimes...) Now it’s super easy to create helical shapes by specifying the height, base, top radii, number and height of turns and direction (clockwise or counter clockwise).
Combine that with the awesome SWEEP command:
Ir's easy to sweep an open or closed profile along an open or closed 2D or 3D path. If you sweep a closed curve the result will be a solid. The profile will be moved and aligned perpendicular to the path (no need to align it yourself anymore - which is wonderful). The final result is in the shape of the profile (the swept object).
You can also twist or scale the objects as they are swept.
Tip: use the new helix as a path to create a variety of helical shapes.
Very cool...and the launch date is getting closer!