Ahhhhh...the playoff weekend continues...if the Colts don't beat the Steelers tomorrow there may be a very long blog silence (which is to be expected)...and all you Steeler fans must promise to take it easy on me.
now on to business...
AutoCAD Hip Tip on Trimming and Extending 3D Objects:
Sometimes we find ourselves in a situation where we'd like to trim some objects that appear to intersect on our screen due to our view, but in reality, if we took a look at them in 3D they technically don't. But we need to trim them anyway - what do we do? We use the Project option in the Trim Command.
The Project option has three different settings - let's take a look.
None: that's the default and the TRIM command will only work on objects that truly intersect.
UCS: If the objects in question were projected onto the current UCS (or XY Plane) and an intersection occurred, the TRIM command will declare these legal and let you trim them.
View: This is the option I use the most. If the objects appear to intersect in the current view - the Trim command will work on them...plain and simple.
All of these options reside in the EXTEND command as well - give them a whirl - you'll find it much easier to get the results you want!
and on another note:
Ode to Ruby...yesterday as I was leaving Starbucks I ran into the most adorable little girl...I'm going to say she was about 4 years old, who was unable to walk on her own and was using a walker-type apparatus. I know her name was Ruby because she had a miniature license plate on her walker with her name on it. Ruby captured everyone's attention. She was all smiles and giggles as she negotiated through the door, around the corner and down a ramp to her Dad's car. She just couldn't be happier...Ruby was loving life for all it had to offer, obstacles and all.
As I walked back to my car I just broke down and sobbed. Last week in my blog I was complaining about my bad morning, where one thing after another kept going wrong...I'm going to guess my bad morning wasn't 1/100th of what sweet Ruby faces every day. Shame on me! A big thank you to Ruby for helping me put things in perspective - I'll definitely think twice before I complain about such trivial nonsense.