The Colts are still hanging in there - unbelievable! 13-0! Glad to see that the number "13" wasn't bad luck for them (like it was for poor AutoCAD many years ago). In honor of the Colt's win I think I might have to display my dog Alex's picture again...many thanks to all of you who sent me emails today regarding the game (don't you think it was a little too close at the end?).
So here's another Holiday Hip Tip...
Controlling the File Selection Folder Default:
Before AutoCAD 2000, we controlled the default file folder by setting up various shortcut startup Icons on our desktop. Using startup switches we assigned a specific file folder based on our various drawing projects. For more info on the powerful world of startup switches visit my article at the following Cadalyst magazine link.
You can still use startup switches to control the default file folder by setting the cool system variable REMEMBERFOLDERS to 0. By default, REMEMBERFOLDERS is set to 1, which means it defaults to My Documents to start. Whenever a file is opened or saved to a specific folder, that folder becomes the future default (hence it "remembers the folders").
Die-hard AutoCAD power users love using Startup Switches. Consequently they get a little cranky when the file dialog boxes ignore their REMEMBERFOLDERS is key here.
Here is the promised picture of my beloved dog Alex on Peyton Manning's jersey (yet again). Go Colts!