What a beautiful weekend in Northern California...even though winter is right around the corner and we've already had a few showers I am in complete denial (why can't summer last all year round?). I'm home for nearly two weeks until Autodesk University. Unfortunately I have to cut my holiday short and fly to Orlando the day after Thanksgiving to get ready for this fabulous conference (can you hear the violin playing in the background?) If you are a blog reader who is attending AU be sure to introduce yourself to me there!
So here's your Hip Tip to start the week off with...
Super Speedy Method to Modify an Object's Properties (especially useful for you AutoCAD 3D users!)
OK - so we can all use the Properties dialog box to modify an object's properties such as elevation and thickness, but I'm just not patient enough to deal with all the steps. For those of you who are command line speedsters, you can appreciate the powerful good old CHANGE command. This top secret command no longer lives in any of the AutoCAD menus, but true AutoCAD gurus still use it to get the job done quickly. So let's dust it off and take a look.
Command: CHANGE
Select objects: 3 found
Select objects:
Specify change point or [Properties]: p
Enter property to change [Color/Elev/LAyer/LType/ltScale/LWeight/Thickness]:
You'll see that you can change many different properties with the CHANGE command, but I think you'll find the biggest value in Elevation, Linetype scale, Lineweight and Thickness. You 3D users absolutely must try this command.
If you do not intend to change the elevation of an object - you can go straight to the CHPROP command which cuts out one step, but is missing the elevation option.
Command: CHPROP
Select objects: 3 found
Select objects:
Enter property to change [Color/LAyer/LType/ltScale/LWeight/Thickness]:
Add these two commands to your repertoire and you might just find yourself zipping along! Warning: Do not use if you get paid by the hour! : )
My Colts won again today, hence it is a beautiful weekend...