Tell me my dreams didn't come true when I saw my name TWICE (yes twice) in Tenlinks...I can't believe it! A million thanks to the Tenlinks Gods for bestowing such an honor on me. My birthday is on Halloween so I'll consider it an early birthday gift...
Just a quick Hip Tip before I run to the dentist this morning (filling - yikes!).
AutoCAD Hip Tip to get the old MTEXT editor back:
I've had many requests from AutoCAD 2006 users to return their old MTEXT editor back. I personally love the new in-place editing but there are some of you who think it's too hard to see the text this way and prefer it back in the old editor box. I didn't think it was possible but one of my audience attendees in Connecticut straightened me out (thank you Martha Sullivan!). So here is my undocumented Hip Tip to answer your wishes!
Simply set the system variable MTEXTED to OLDEDITOR.
So there is your Hip Tip for Thursday! Thanks so much for all the nice emails you've been sending to me - I appreciate it...Remember to floss your teeth everyone!