One of the nice things about AutoCAD 2006 is the ability to edit single line text in place(created with either TEXT or DTEXT). You see the text exactly as it's going to appear, in the place it's going to appear (WYSIWYG). Previous releases used the DDEDIT text editor instead...a separate little dialog box that displayed elsewhere on the screen as seen below. I much prefer the new means of editing.
That said - it's come to my attention that using the new means of editing turns off a nice feature I use all the time when creating single line TEXT. You no longer have the ability to move your input device around and reselect new start points in one single DTEXT command. This feature allowed you to place many lines of text in your drawing very quickly, all in different locations. Now you have to reenter the command to place subsequent text strings.
So if you are still following me - and you'd like to know how to get the functionality back into AutoCAD 2006 here's the hot ticket:
Set DTEXTED to 1
You'll get the old DDEDIT text editor, but you'll be able to select multiple insertion points for your single line it's a definite trade-off.
One user wrote me that he preferred the old editor anyway. He mentioned that with DDEDIT he didn't have to zoom into the text to see it...thus saving time.
So it's up to you...but I thought this might alleviate a little frustration some of you might have!