I'm now in beautiful Lisbon, Portugal where the sun is shining and all is good! Today I will attend the Autodesk Forum in Lisbon (attended the Autodesk Forum in Porto on Wednesday) where I will chat with the attendees promoting user groups and also present AutoCAD 2006 on the mainstage. Portugal would be a great place for a vacation - I hope to come back someday for an official vacation where I can see all the great monuments, museums, quaint cities, beaches, etc. And I've never had a bad meal in Lisbon (but you'd better like fish!). Everyone is very friendly and helpful here in Portugal so it's easy to get around - and nearly everyone speaks English.
I promised some pictures from last week...below are some pictures from Oslo, my first AutoCAD 2006 presentation from the tour through the Nordics.
And a picture of the social gathering after all the presentations (great fun chatting with the users in Oslo).
The hotel I stayed in had a stuffed Musk Ox (yes a Musk Ox!) in the lobby...had to get a snapshot of that!
Tomorrow I fly back to the U.S...I will miss Europe - but it will be nice to get a little bit closer to home. Have a fabulous weekend!