The AUGI CAD Camp in Seattle was fabulous! The amazing dave espinosa-aguilar (lower case) did his very popular "How to become and AutoCAD Power User" class. As the top rated speaker at Autodesk University for the past several years we were delighted to be graced with his always humble presence (did you know that he takes his cats camping with him?). David Cohn, also a star of the industry, taught a couple of classes as well including one on DWF and Composer.
As for me - well I dusted off my AutoLISP brain and taught the incredibly fun "AutoLISP in 80 minutes or less" class to a packed room. I couldn't believe so many people were interested in LISP! You'll find my powerpoint presentation to the left if you'd care to download it (although it certainly helps if you've seen the class). It appeared as though the favorite part of the class was the "Ways to Torture your Coworkers" section - Oh My!
We are adding more AUGI CAD Camps every day - so keep checking to see if we are coming to your neighborhood! AUGI CAD Camp