So what are your New Years resolutions? Lose weight, take a class, learn a new product (finally make the move to 3D?), exercise, spend more time with family, get more sleep? Or how about a resolution to fulfill your resolutions this year? Every year I resolve to get my columns written on time...every year I still hand them in late. Last year I resolved to learn another new Autodesk product and was fortunate enough to squeek in the Civil 3D class before the end of the year. So here's a glimpse at a few of my New Year's resolutions:
1) Exercise more frequently (of course)
2) Travel less (an unfulfilled resolution for the past 3 years)
3) Learn Autodesk Revit (find out for myself what everyone is raving about!)
4) Be more organized (especially with my finances)
5) Do more charity work (preferably with animal organizations)
Of course - to be truly effective I need to create more measurable goals such as "Exercise 3 times a week", as opposed to just "Exercise more"...I still have a few days to work on the details.
Now for the bad news - I had to put my sweet, loving, 16 year old Black Lab to sleep. Couldn't write about it earlier because it made me cry. Jake came with the house that I bought, I am still stunned that the family left behind such a wonderful, intelligent, animal. He's been a loyal companion and he outlived every health obstacle that stood in his way determined not to leave us...until now. He always insisted on laying right in the middle of the kitchen while I cooked - I find myself still stepping over him today...Jake will be missed dearly. I've included a picture of him from years ago with bandaged feet from one of his mishaps (on the kitchen floor of course). For those of you who have a pet - please give them an extra pet from me today.